Wednesday, July 27, 2011

What I use to display photos on my iPad

Portfolio is a good choice for you to show your photos on an iPad
If you are looking for an app to use on your iPad for displaying photos you might like to try this app.  I have been using it for a while and the cool thing is using DropBox to upload the images from my computer to the iPad. 

You can create a variety of galleries to show.  Here is what I have on my iPad for example.

What's on my iPad

They are really just categories for me to have for talking points with clients or potential clients.

While the iPad has a long battery life and is something cool to pull out and show your work on, I suggest having some leave behind.  It can be some prints, postcards, coffee table book or flyer.

Remember the person who sees your work most likely will need to show your work to someone else before they hire you.  The iPad can be the WOW! factor, but have a website and/or blog to direct them to as well.

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