Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sigma 70-200mm ƒ/2.8 great lens for party pics

Nikon D4, Sigma 70-200mm, ISO 12800, ƒ/3.2, 1/80 optical stabilization on
I love to watch people and especially across the room. The lens that captures these moments the best for me is the Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 EX DG APO OS HSM for Nikon. Up to 4 Stops of Optical Stabilization makes hand holding the lens possible in low light, which I was shooting in tonight.

Nikon D4, 85mm ƒ/1.4 , ISO 450, ƒ/1.4, 1/100
I tried to work the room with the Nikon 85mm ƒ/1.4 but I felt like the lens was too loose most of the time and since I was further away the depth-of-field actually was as silky smooth to me as with the Sigma 20-200mm because I was able to shoot at 200mm and therefore compressed the background.

Nikon D4, Sigma 70-200mm, ISO 12800, ƒ/3.2, 1/50 optical stabilization on
The cool thing shooting at 200mm and wide aperture gives the shallow depth-of-field making the subject pop out from the room.

Nikon D4, Sigma 70-200mm, ISO 12800, ƒ/2.8, 1/60 optical stabilization on
While technically the subject is separated from their environment you now must wait for a moment where you capture the personality of the person. Having a technically great photo isn't what make the photo, but just merely helps. It still comes down to capture the moment.

Nikon D4, Sigma 70-200mm, ISO 10000, ƒ/2.8, 1/100 optical stabilization on
Now while I am shooting all these photos the people are aware of me, but I have been working the room for a while. I started with 14-24mm and introduced myself to people getting them to know I am here and taking photos.

Nikon D4, Nikkor 14-24mm, ISO 12800, ƒ/3.2, 1/100
Shooting a full-framed image like the one above here with the 14-24mm put me less than a foot from the subjects. After shooting these I then start shooting the tighter shots with the longer lens. I am now further away and picking moments.

Nikon D4, Sigma 70-200mm, ISO 9000, ƒ/3.2, 1/100 optical stabilization on
Now people are more relaxed at the party. They are now into conversations and enjoying one another. This is when I get the really good expressions.

Nikon D4, Sigma 70-200mm, ISO 12800, ƒ/2.8, 1/100 optical stabilization on
I love also create a layering effect by having something in the foreground and background. I think this helps give more depth to the photo even with the foreground and background out of focus.

Nikon D4, Sigma 70-200mm, ISO 11400, ƒ/3.2, 1/100 optical stabilization on
I love these expressions. They make you want to know what they are talking about.

Nikon D4, Sigma 70-200mm, ISO 12800, ƒ/3.2, 1/100 optical stabilization on
I love shooting tight and isolating subjects, but remember when I am writing a blog like this I am teaching something. This is just part of the coverage, I have a great deal of wide-angle lens shots to help capture the context.

I think just about every photographer would benefit from a 70-200mm ƒ/2.8 lens in their bag. I love my Sigma 70-200mm.