Monday, August 15, 2016

Teaching Women Reaching Togo – Storytellers Abroad Missions Multimedia Workshop

photo by Jeff Raymond
A week ago today I was stuck in the Accra, Ghana airport waiting for Delta Airlines computer system to get back online so that we could return home after a week in Tsiko, Togo, West Africa.

It was a good week of capturing stories of the work being done with the help of Association of Baptists for World Evangelism missionaries. We were staying at the Hopital Baptiste Biblique guest housing while working on stories that have all been the result of the hospital.

Jeff Raymond organized the Storytellers Abroad Missions Multimedia Workshop with the help of Pat Davision and myself.

Over the next few weeks I will share some of the stories done by the students. Today I want to share what Hannah Strayer captured.

This is Hannah Strayer capturing her story. [Nikon D5, Nikon 85mm ƒ/1.8G, ISO 100, ƒ/1.8, 1/640]
Hannah's story is just below here. Take a look at what she captured in just a week while in Togo.

Under the teaching of ABWE missionary, Rebekah Poteat, Abra Sakpa has been learning Bible study methods and is using them to teach between 20-25 women about the Bible. Her vision in learning and teaching the Bible is that she might teach other women to teach women to teach women so that the farthest corners of Togo might be reached with the Gospel.

We still have openings for the Honduras Multimedia Workshop taking place this October 29th to November 5th. Deadline to apply is August 30, 2016. Click here to learn more.

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