Thursday, November 03, 2016

I propose a My Town Thursday rather than just a Throw Back Thursday

In 1987 I drove up from Richmond, Virginia to Rock Port, Maine to attend a photography workshop. I was able to stop along the way and make some fun tourist photos of the country. This first photo is of Cape Elizabeth Lighthouse, Maine.

I was looking for this type of a photo on my last trip to Bangor, Maine last week. However this was more than two hours away from Bangor and so I decided to go to Bar Harbor and take some photos there.

I was pleased with some of the photos, but still was a little disappointed I couldn't get a lighthouse.

In 1988 I decided to do another vacation to the Northeast and visited Cape Cod. Highland Lighthouse located at Cape Cod is one of 4 lighthouses on the outer cape. While I was in Hyannis, Massachusetts which is part of Cape Cod the closest lighthouse to me was on private property. I decided to try and capture some of the coast line and so I shot this instead of the lighthouse.

Sometimes I think we get too locked into one visual icon representing an area of the world that we really forget that there is so much more to see and capture.

Sometimes there are photos worth making just in your neighborhood like this Kroger gas station near me.

Here is a bicycle race taking place about a mile from my house. My point is you don't have to go far to capture interesting photos.

This was in my yard. While this is being posted on a Thursday, which many people will post older photos for "Throw Back Thursday", why not take some time today and explore your city, neighborhood or even backyard.

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