Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Do you find online social media and photo tutorials lacking something?

This photo just begs for information. What is ASMP president Theresa Carol Sicurezza doing here? What does this have to do with a professional photography association?

Last night the ASMP Atlanta/Southeast had their Holiday party at Kevin Ames Studio. There was no program, just a time to socialize.

Lifetime member Ron Sherman is talking here with Leah Overstreet who just moved to Atlanta in the last month. Leah mentioned how much she had enjoyed working in the past in a studio space where everyone was able to interact and bounce new ideas and old ones around with each other.

Now that Leah has gone freelance she has discovered the isolation that so many of us face. Staring at your computer for hours on end is not the healthiest thing one could be doing. Just getting together with anyone while this can be helpful it isn't very productive for your professional advancement.

After all birds of a feather flock together and this is what was happening at the party.

Michael Schwarz talks with new members Anthony and his wife Stacey. First thing that Stacey said to me was I can see you too carry a camera everywhere. Guilty as charged was my response. I did tell them the story of my friend who didn't have his camera and missed a once in a lifetime opportunity. I have also missed some photos by not having a camera with me in the past.

I think the cool thing last night was Anthony met other like him who have cameras around their shoulders when they are not working.

Kevin Ames had setup a photo booth and James Barker was helping take photos of members. Kevin commented that we didn't setup a selfie booth but rather we wanted a photographer to take our photos.

Now are you reading this and wishing you were there? This is one of the many reasons photo associations exist. We need to socialize with one another. We also want to have some kind of a filter to be sure we have a lot in common with the others. So for ASMP you must make more than 51% of your income as a photographer. We are not a camera club. We talk business as much as photography.

We have about six or so events a year locally, but you can also go to the other chapters around the country and go to their events as well.

Where is your photography community? I would say that for all those who came last night that an online community and listening to tutorials isn't satisfying the need for community. We like getting together and listening and sharing our concerns.

I invite you to join ASMP and be at our next event. Here is where you go to find out more Join ASMP.

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