Thursday, March 23, 2006

20/20 hindsight?

I am not sure the American people would have authorized our government to invade Iraq some three years ago, knowing how many innocent people would die.

We know today that 188,896 Iraqi civilians have been killed and 340,012 seriously injured (March 2006 figure).

There are more and more indications that more citizens are being killed than when Sadam was in power. This is not even considering the military losses:

    2,299 U.S. TROOPS KILLED
    33,094 SERIOUSLY INJURED March 2006
    90,000 SERIOUSLY INJURED Aug. 2003

Our problem wasn't America's Intellegence Agencies, it was the abuse of them by the administration which put us in this situation.

    "The blueprint for the ... Bush policy had actually been drawn up five years earlier by three of his top national security advisors. ... they were Richard Perle, Doublas Feith, and David Wurmser. Ironically, the plan was originally intended not for Bush but for another world leader, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    "At the time, the three officials were out of government and working for conservative pro-Israeli think tanks. ... The Perle task force to advise Netanyahu was set up by the Jerusalem-based Institute for Advanced Strategic and Politcal Studies, where Wurmser was working.

    "... the centerpiece of their recommendations was the removal of Saddam Hussen as the first step in making the Middle East into a region friendly, instead of hostile, to Israel."

    -- A Pretext For War: 9/11, Iraq, and the abuse of America's Intelligence Agencies, by James Bamford

Another aspect of the public's ignorance is believing the mainline media isn't telling the whole story. Actually, everyone who says this is over looking the most obvious question which undermines their statement--How do you know? The answer to this points out they are getting their information through mainline media.

The media's role is not to support the government or any particular party. They are to give the facts they have to the public. To expose all the information they uncover and can support. The media's role is to not be the advertising arm of the government.

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