Friday, March 24, 2006

The Truth Needs No Ally, However Conservatives May Need One

The conservatives see the American Media’s role as Public Relations for the Executive Branch of Government. Pat Buchannan on NBC’s Today Show said the media’s role was to help bolster the troops' and the country's moral.

The media’s role isn’t public relations for the conservatives. However this is the problem with this group in power. They have continued to bash the media. I believe if the media shows them in negative light they believe the media is wrong.

The media has pursued telling the facts. They are giving Americans the facts about the conservatives and liberals.

Throughout the Clinton years the media uncovered Clinton’s infidelity. Today the have uncovered the false statements for invading Iraq.

Weapons of Mass Destruction was one of the main reasons we invaded Iraq, to be sure these weapons were not used against the rest of the world and predominately the US.

One of the flaws with this was in the best case scenario they couldn't directly launch missiles to deliver these on America.

Another fact uncovered by the media was the 9/11 terrorist were not from or connected in any way to Iraq or Sadam Hussein.

The conservatives would like you to believe they were the silent majority due to the media. This is easily dismissed as false. They have always had a voice and been visible. Today their tactics are not to only be heard, but only their perspective heard by all the media.

The conservatives could not elect a candidate of their own without a media. They got their message out through the media.

The conservatives see by the "media" exposing our flaws to the world as a way we become vulnerable. The cause is important to pursue and if the "media" would show the positives (PR role) then we could accomplish our objective.

The ends justify the means. Therefore if there is flaws in the process this doesn’t matter as long as we establish a democratic state in the Middle East to help bolster Israel.

I believe what is finally starting to happen with the conservative’s media bashing and sticking to their mission no matter the flaws is the American public will not support blindly as they have done. The number of lives being lost daily is causing people who believed in the ideals of the conservative movement to question their validity for the first time.

Bush cited how many of Iraqis Sadam killed (Kurds for example) is one of the reasons he is labled a terrorist. By using this reasoning, we have killed more civilians than Sadam due to our preemptive strike in this last war with Iraq.

“Senior Muslim clerics said Thursday (March 23, 2006) that an Afghan man on trial for converting from Islam to Christianity should be killed regardless of whether a court decides to free him.” Now Americans are upset they sent their boys and men to fight for a group who will put to death a person for becoming a Christian. Finally America is getting they cannot force another culture to accept our culture of freedom of religion.

It is quite ironic that we believe the only way for democracy to prevail is by preemptive force.

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