Monday, April 03, 2006

The Secret To Good Communications--A Well Told Story!

We will sit on the edge of our chairs, laugh until we cry and forget the time of day when someone tells us a good story.

There are many ways to tell a good story--my favorite is the cinema and running a close second is the theater. Both of these use more of the senses than the printed page.

Don't get me wrong, I still love a strong "decisive moment" with a still image. I even love a good story around the camp fire or bedtime story, but when all the elements are there I am transported out of my world into another realm.

Some of my favorite movies have been the ones dealing with a cross cultural experience. I love the movie "Finding Forester." I love how the classic story where two people from different cultures find a common ground and through this interaction become better people for the experience.

"Remember the Titans," is another movie which also compels me to re-exam my own life.

Great stories don't just entertain--they change us. They help us to be more human by making us see our faults and frailties. It is through the storyteller that by being transported for a while into another world that as I return to the reality of the present I am different and look at my own culture in a new way.

Sometimes I appreciate my life more and other times I am reminded of my pride and lack of compassion for my fellow man.

What is exciting for everyone is hearing another person’s personal journey. We can hear the passion in the voice which awakens our on souls to respond. Our response is what can move the relationship to the intimate. A dialogue is started where our story is requested.

As we get older we are able to polish our story because the spectacles we use to look back over our life have had time to examine and focus on the details to see the colorful thread which is in the fabric of all our lives.

We can see our gifts and how they have been used to bless others. At first we didn’t know we could do anything really well and now we see we are not better than those around, but unique. The combinations of those things we do well and don’t do as well make us different from those around us who may even have a similar profession.

The cool thing for me is when I see how my story is more of a development of a character in the bigger story of community. It is when we come together in community to share our individual journeys we are able to see how we each are part of everyone’s story.

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