Sunday, March 20, 2011

Interactive post here on Panoramic Sphere photos of The Citadel

This past weekend I spent one of the last weekend’s at The Citadel before our oldest son graduates from there. 

I thought this time besides the standard photos I always do, I would do a few Sphere Panoramic shots of the campus.

Do you think colleges/universities should have interactive panoramics on their website for those who cannot get there to take a tour?  I think so, but what do you think.  Please post your comments below.

Also, which of these 4 do you like and why?

Personally I think I would enjoy these as ways to remember my time at The Citadel in addition to all the other photos and videos available.

Parade Field - The Citadel
Bravo Company - The Citadel
1st Battalion - Quad (center)
1st Battalion - Quad

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