Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Tips for better profile photos

Clean and simple background inside.
All it takes is a tenth of a second to form an impression of a stranger from their face, and that longer exposures don't significantly alter those impressions.  This is how I started my blog about Skype Interview Tips.  http://blog.stanleylearystoryteller.com/2011/07/skype-interview-tips.html

Today if you do not have a profile photo you might look like a creeper on facebook.  There are 30 different types of profile photos according to Facebook http://www.allfacebook.com/facebook-photo-styles-2009-03

The discussion on LinkedIn is to have a profile photo. http://www.linkedin.com/groups/IS-GOOD-PROFILE-PIC-IMPORTANT-1800872.S.45637410

I want to show you the variety of headshots you can have that are all similar except for one thing—the background.

Nice outdoor look for a background

As you look through these photos of my daughter Chelle, you may like one photo more than another, but notice how the background can set a mood, compliment or distract your attention.  Remember pretty much all the rest of the photo looks the same in all the photos.

I recommend a simple and clean background.  Next I recommend if your background has patterns or texture get as far away from the background so it is not so sharp and distracting.

The garage door is plain but the patterns are a little distracting

Background is simple and works OK

If want to make the photo outside go to the shade side of the house and have your subject face away from the house.  The open sky will light them and not direct sunlight.  This makes for softer light on the face.  Also, you can turn on your flash to add a catch light in the eye and give more life to the eyes.

To make your photo inside find a plain wall rather than a busy wallpaper or busy background objects.  Keep the light simple and soft, maybe a window for the light on the face.

If this is for something professional like for LinkedIn to find jobs, blog or website, get a professional to help you.  Remember you only have tenth of a second to make a good impression.

Background is OK, but is dark

Even tho subject isn't next to background--it is still distracting

Background is distracting

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