Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Today clear skies, a low of 68° and high of 91°

I love the low angle, use of flash off camera and great expressions
Today is one of those days that you have got to get outside in Atlanta.  Clear skies and most of the day in the 80's.  During the morning before it got warmer, I enjoyed capturing these moments at a local college. 

Low angle to pick up on the blue sky and the architecture in the background

We didn't have to go and find students and bring them outside for us to photograph them, no they were everywhere today.  Laptops were out in the sun, which isn't that easy to see them in, just to enjoy this weather.

Fill flash and great expression makes the photo for me

I believe that the reason we were getting great shots is the weather actually brings out the best in folks. When it rains I don't see bright smiles, but gloomy expressions.  They match the weather to me. When there is snow on the ground people bundle up and cover the faces with scarfs.
Back-lit will help rim light the subject and then using flash off the camera to the right of the subjects helps you see those great expressive moments between friends.

Clothing can make or break a shot.  I think the dental school students just look great in their bright blue outfits with all the green landscaping around them.
Back-lit creates that wonderful rim lighting and the flash off to the side helps again fill the shadows so you can see their expressions which helps you understand how these are good friends

I cannot take these type of photos you see here without a photo assistant.  I call them "voice activated light stands."  They know where to point the lights and help them move along with the subjects as in these photos of people walking towards me. 
Every business uses signage to help in branding them. I like to tie their people to their brand as I have done here.

Clayton State University found out this year that research shows they are competing with Georgia State University for their students primarily.  Georgia State University is an inner city school, so Clayton State University is going to play up their beautiful green lush campus.  When high school seniors are looking at those college brochures, they want them to see how they are different.
You don't just take one photo, you take lots of photos.  Which photo would you use this one or the one above?

With cooler days of the fall starting to creep up on us, get outside on these days and take photos.  Better yet give me a call and I will make them for you.
Compare this photos that uses flash to the one below without the flash.

I put these two photos to show how when you don't use a flash on a sunny day about noon time you will make people become like a number rather than a person.  This is because they are most often in shadows.  Compare these two photos.  Both are strong visually, but they say something different.
Here the person who is silhouetted becomes symbolic to me where the photo above the person is someone.

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