Thursday, March 01, 2012

YWAM School of Photography: 1:3 Ratio Lighting

This is the students second shooting assignment this week.

Assignment Description:
1:3 lighting ratio.  This photo is classic lighting.


This light is your main light. Get a light reading with just this first. The light should be 45 degrees off the axis of the camera and 45 degrees above the subjects eyes.

Your subject should have the main light lighting only part of the face and the shadows should be just a little to show the 1:3 ratio.

White backdrop
Keep the subject a few feet from the background and do not use more lights to light it.

Choose the lowest ISO.  Use a portrait lens 50mm if you don't have full frame camera can work.  No more than 100mm.

This is your fill light and get just a reading of this 2nd.  Be sure it is 1/2 the power (1 f/stop less) than the main light. After this is done get a 3rd light reading of both lights which will be the setting for the camera. It can be level with the eyes, but you may have to move up with glasses to avoid glare.

Here are the results:
by: Lisa Mironuck

by: Sasha Stark

by Annett Rek

by Ellis Peeters

by Malcolm Adair

by Sharon Reitsma

by Lauren R. Tercero

by Joshua Soon Yong Choi

by Janie Wakefield

by Francisco Leon V.

by Deborah Mataia

by Tom Yu

by Elsa Mesot

by Hastings Franks

by Katie Suderman

by Sarah L. Quinones


Garrett Hubbard said...

Love it. Thanks Stanley. Great job YWAM students!

Unknown said...

Garrett thanks. I made everyone aware that you had looked at their work. They were a little shock that you did that.

You have blessed so many and thanks for taking the time to be a blessing for the students here.