Monday, March 05, 2012

YWAM School of Photography: Mixed Lighting

Here is another lighting assignment for the students.  They were to go outside and use the sun as a back light and then use a strobe as main light.  Here is the assignment and diagram that I sent to them.

Description: Mixed lighting


You may choose to use your hotshoe flash if you choose, but it must a be off the camera.  Short cord will not work for this.  You need a really long cord to fire the flash or you need to use the radio remotes.  Use extension cords for power or use the battery powered strobes.

You may use any lens you choose for this assignment.  Fish-eye, wide angle, portrait, telephoto, lens baby or shift.  Make this a strong environmental portrait as you can.

This is done outside with the sun still lighting the sky.  Can be dusk, dawn or mid day sun.  Be sure the subject is back lighted by the sun and not on their face.

We need good expressions in this photo.  Maybe have the subject posing with something.  Sitting on a motorcycle or holding a surf board are some examples of what students have done in the past.

Here are the students results:
by Elsa Mesot

by Lisa Mironuck

by Annett Rek

by Sharon A. Reitsma

by Deborah Mataia

by Lauren R. Tercero

by Francisco Leon V.

by Janie Wakefield

by Joshua Soon Yong Choi

by Xiaodong Yu

by Hastings Franks

by Katie Suderman

by Sarah L. Quinones

by Malcolm Adair

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