Monday, May 20, 2013

Photographer have you ever lost a password? Here is a software solution for you.

Years ago we could use the same username and password for just about everything. The upside to doing this is you only had to remember one login.

With identity theft on the rise and corporate espionage being a real threat you can no longer do this with your login accounts.

Today I have three different places I am logging into my accounts: 1) my Macbook Pro, 2) iPad and my 3) SmartPhone.  Trying to remember all those logins was getting ridiculous.

Over a year ago, I Googled looking for a solution. After reading reviews I tried a new software call 1Password.  After using this for a year I feel good about recommending it to you.

The good news is it is cross platform. If you have a PC, Mac, Android, iPhone or iPad. 1Password can remember all your passwords for you and keep them secured behind your Master Password. You remember your Master Password and 1Password will remember the rest.

I have been using this now for over a year and feel good about recommending it to you.  It has really simplified my life with having to remember passwords, account information and more details than I can remember.

1Password Categories for saving information:
  1. Logins [web]
  2. Accounts [email, web hosting]
  3. Identities [personal information]
  4. Secure Notes [Anything you want to save as text]
  5. Software
  6. Wallet [credit cards, bank account #s, debit cards]
You can put all your credit cards into the system and when shopping online it will fill out those long forms for you most of the time.

After you install it on your device you are able to also embed the program into your browsers. Anytime you go to those secure websites where you need to sign in all you do is sign in once to 1Password and then click on the pull down menu where it will then fill out the login information for you.

Sometimes your computer can crash and with 1Password you now can have all your software license keys in one place to restore your software.

You can sync over a Wi-Fi connection or using Drop Box.

Need to generate a new password? I have certain places I go that every 90 days I must change my password. This is the main reason I was forced to come up with a better plan than I had been using. The cool thing is the software creates a gibberish password using capital letters, numbers and symbols for you and therefore making your password more secure than using your pet's name for example.


Morton Visuals said...

I used Roboform when I was on PCs, but started using 1Password when I converted to Mac. Now Roboform has a "Roboform Everywhere" account which I can share among my MBP, iMac, iPhone and iPad. I like it a lot, and only have to remember 1 (very complex) master password. I think either solution will work, depending on which interface you prefer (just like Mac vs PC). They key is to ensure you use it to generate and fill *complex* passwords, and not simply remember easy passwords (which can be guessed anyways).

Thanks for the review! :-)

William Morton

Mark E. Johnson said...

Another user of 1Password chiming in - makes life so much easier.

pjprof said...

I have been using 1Password for years. Watch for sales for the best price. Currently 50% off sale for Apple WWDC

H. Miller said...

Nice review on 1Password. This was an option I looked into purchasing but I ended up selecting and using a software called mSecure. The reason I like this program is because it does a great job keeping passwords safe and also handy as it can securely sync between Mac devices, but the clincher for me was that it does not automatically link you to your accounts log-in pages; but this is an option. I also like that you can come up with your own template which has been helpful for many things.