Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Photography Composition Tip: Anchor Your Subjects

Nikon D4, 28-300mm, ISO 180,  ƒ/10, 1/500
Anchors Away

I am still in cruise mode after last week. It takes longer to do everything since I got back. You see I think I need to stop every 45 minutes and find food.

Being on the ship and see those huge anchors made me think of a simple composition technique to improve your photos.

Anchor your subjects.

Nikon D4, 28-300mm, ISO 12,800,  ƒ/3.5, 1/160
When you crop off the feet of a subject or in this case the front of the car the subject isn't well anchored.

Just lower the camera a bit and give the subject a little room at the bottom.

See what a difference the composition is by just moving the camera a millimeter?

The reason so many of us forget to do this is we are looking too much at the subject. You need to scan the edges of the photo and correct for this problem.

Many photographers tend to have too much space above the subject and this is due to centering of the subject.

1 comment:

Troup Nightingale said...

You are absolutely right about that! I have some of "those" images and I think "What WAS I thinking? On the other hand, I have "HAD" to crop it that way in order to get rid of something even MORE distracting - oh well. You've made a great point as usual.