Thursday, July 11, 2013

Grandfather Mountain Camera Clinic

Jay Maisel, Bernie Boston, Hugh Morton and George Tames.  Four famous photographers in my book. I took this at the Southern Short Course in the 1980s.
In 1984 I graduated from East Carolina University and then went to work as a staff photographer for the Hickory Daily Record.  That year I would also go up to Grandfather Mountain for the Camera Clinic hosted by the mountain's owner Hugh Morton.

Hugh Morton was a photographer who enjoyed hosting this event each year for photographers.

This August 17 - 18, 2013 I am one of the guest speakers at the Camera Clinic.  You can register for the event starting on July 15th.

Here is a link to the event:

I will be talking about the business side of photography.

Camera Clinic Ticket Prices

Working Press/PPA Member Participant (includes admission to the park, admission to all programs, plus Saturday evening meal)NC
Camera Clinic Participant (includes admission to the park, admission to all programs, plus Saturday evening meal)$50
2-day adult guest ticket (includes Sat.-Sun. admission to the park for ages 13+)$30
2-day child guest ticket (includes Sat.-Sun. admission to the park for ages 4 thru 12 – under 4 are free)$14
Guest Saturday night meal$10
Bill Fortney emcees a photo event in the 1980s.
This is where I first met Bill Fortney. Never know who else you might meet at events like this if you don't attend. If you are able to come I hope to see you there.

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