Friday, January 10, 2014

My Fuji X-E2 travel kit

This looks like what is becoming my go to system. What I am missing is the new 10-24mm ƒ/4 which will not be out until March.

If they made a 28-300mm equivalent to the Nikon system I would use this and maybe just a super wide zoom like the 10-24mm that is slotted for March.  Right now the X-E2 with the 18-55mm and the 55-200mm will have to suffice. They do a great job right now.

I think I can see replacing the 18-55mm with the newer 16-55mm ƒ/2.8. I can also see replacing the 55-200mm with the 50-140mm ƒ/2.8.  I just think that the faster ƒ-stop will improve the camera focusing in low light and give me a shallower depth-of-field.

I am very interested in learning more about their flash system. Imagine if they could come out with a system that has a radio remote built into the flashes and cameras in the future. I am dreaming, but also hope that Fujifilm is paying attention to the pros desires. I think they are close to taking a chunk of the business away from Nikon and Canon.

The one thing I hope they continue to do which will lead to them ultimately dominating the camera market is updating of firmware on cameras. They are doing a better job of keeping older cameras updated with the newer software capabilities.

Here is the XF lens lineup that Fujifilm has planned for the Fujifilm X series through the end of 2014. Zeiss is making two lenses right now for the system.