Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Nikon D750 has arrived!

Yesterday my Nikon D750 arrived. I think I have shot only 20 shots at the most on it. These are just my first impressions on holding it and going through the menu.

The very first thing I noticed when picking up the camera is all my lenses felt a lot heavier than they do on my Nikon D4.

So while the camera itself is tremendously lighter this shifts the balance. I feel like most of my lenses now feel more like the long glass were I feel like the camera is mounted to the lens rather than the lens being mounted to the camera.

Another change I noticed is the grip is different. I think I may like it more, but only time will tell if I prefer the deeper feel of the grip.

This is my first Nikon that had Wi-Fi built into the camera. I have been doing this with my Fuji X-E2, but can tell you that the Nikon App for my Android phone works superior to the Fuji system.

You can control the camera remotely or view photos.

This is what the taking pictures with the app looks like.

When you turn the phone to horizontal you get a different view.

I will write more about the camera in the coming days, but for now the first really cool feature I love that I do not have on my Nikon D4 is the built in Wi-Fi.

What I like is the ability to take photos with my camera and immediately share these through social media. I have done this with my Fuji, but really hate the JPEGs from the Fuji. It makes people look like wax figures.

The Nikon JPEGs are far superior to the in camera JPEGs from my Fuji.

Looking forward to getting to know the camera in the coming days and catching you up on my findings.


Ken Gasque said...

What lens do you have on the camera?

Unknown said...

Nikkor 28-300mm