Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Fuji X-E2 helped me to capture memories in Hawaii

Fuji X-E2, 18-55mm, ISO 1600, ƒ/3.2, 1/500
Back in June this year I was in Hawaii teaching 30+ students who were going to travel the world using photography as a way to engage with people.

While I was there I had my Fuji X-E2 on me at all times. This helped me to capture moments like this when on the last night of the classes before they departed for Panama, Turkey and Thailand they captured moments with each other.

Fuji X-E2, 18-55mm, ISO 6400, ƒ/4, 1/500
While I also own the Fuji XF 55-200mm, I found many times that the 18-55mm inside was long enough lens for many situations.

Fuji X-E2, 55-200mm, ISO 3200, ƒ/4.4, 1/500
I did use the Fuji XF 55-200mm in situations where I needed the longer lens as here with the people on the stage.

Fuji X-E2, 55-200mm, ISO 200, ƒ/5.6, 1/500
I also used it to compress the scene as I did here in Kona, Hawaii.  I love using the lenses with the OIS turned on because I am usually hand holding these when making most of the photos.

Fuji X-E2, 18-55mm, ISO 6400, ƒ/3.6, 1/210
The dynamic range of the sensor is also awesome. Here you can see that the people are well exposed, but the curtains and the TV are not blown out. I was able to hold the details from the highlights to the shadows.

Fuji X-E2, 18-55mm, ISO 6400, ƒ/2.8, 1/6
This was my favorite photo from my entire trip. Getting this photo is just not going to happen with your smart phone. Again I am holding together from the very bright screens of the computers to the shadows of the chairs they are sitting in.

I love the Fuji X-E2 because it is small enough and yet I am not giving up the ability in low light that many other cameras do that are this small.

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