Thursday, December 11, 2014

Photographers there will be failures–How do you turn them into success?

Fuji X-E2, 18-55mm, ISO 6400, ƒ/6.4, 1/80
We had a group of about 25 photographer who gathered to hear Bob Rosato is the Chief Operating Officer of USA TODAY Sports Images.

To start off our time Gibbs Frazeur Atlanta based freelance photographer opened us up with a moment of reflection.

A good number of those attending have all been through being laid off due to budget cuts over the past few years. Gibbs pointed out how this can be for each of us a "fresh new start" for us. This is a much better way to look at our new new situation rather than just Wallowing in Self-Pity.

Nikon D750, Nikkor 28-300mm, ISO 12800, ƒ/5.6, 1/320
Bob Rosato gave us a peek behind the curtain of USAToday's Sports Desk. He helped us first to see that no matter who our clients we need a system that must be in place that meets their needs.

Bob walked us through the workflow that they have designed for covering events. Using PhotoMechanic they ingest images into their computers and go through a filter process that puts the very best images into picks folder and then from their narrowing down those image they will move to their online Content Management System.

Fuji X-E2, 18-55mm, ISO 6400, ƒ/3.2, 1/250
The system is always being tweaked to improve the speed and efficiency. Using "Code Replacement" is a way to improve the accuracy of spelling the names of players and saving keystrokes to get images in a timely fashion. Want to know more about "Code Replacement?" Here is a link where you can learn how to use this tool with PhotoMechanic here []

Nikon D750, Nikkor 28-300mm, ISO 12800, ƒ/5.6, 1/320
"Bob what happens when Murphy's Law strikes? Can you tell us of a time when things didn't go as planned?" was asked to Bob and his response was you learn the most at those times. When things are going well you are not as likely to get better. It is when things go wrong that you learn from those mistakes.

Bob and Gibbs messages at that point collided for me. It is when we hit bottom that we are able to look at our world from a different perspective. We are forced to see our world different.

Later during our 5-Minute shows, Jason Getz who was laid off last December from the Atlanta Journal and Constitution shared a photo that he would have never taken had he not gone through this experience.

He had to shoot weddings and in the process learned some new skills that he applied to one of the games.

When you feel like things are all coming apart and you are hitting bottom you have an opportunity for a "Fresh Start." Take a good look at what brought you to this point. Not every time we hit bottom is it because we failed–sometimes those who we produced work for are no longer able to afford your services.

Like a tornado that just hits without warning and destroys a home, that family now has a "Fresh Start" and has to rebuild. You may however see that maybe there are things you did that in the future you will avoid or handle differently–you learned something valuable.

The most successful most likely have failed a few times. If you haven't failed then you are not taking enough risks and most likely producing mediocre work. Take risks and push yourself.

Nikon D750, Nikkor 28-300mm, ISO 7200, ƒ/3.5, 1/60
Why talking to other photographers is a great way to learn?

Gibbs Frazeur and Johnny Cochran had not seen each other in 27 years when they were both students at Ohio University. Gibbs lost a great job years ago and can relate to what Johnny Crawford went through after being downsized out of a job at the Atlanta Journal and Constitution.  Having someone come along side you while you are going through a tough time makes the journey not as lonely.

We learn from each other than just from making mistakes. Our colleagues can help shed light on things that they have experienced.

Hopefully we will meet again soon and catch up with each other. The best part is seeing people who have overcome those "Murphy's Law" moments. 

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