Monday, December 08, 2014

Making the most of your Fuji X system

If you are reading this because you saw this might apply to the Fuji X system then you need to invest in Bill Fortney's A User’s Guide to the Fuji X-System ebook. If you are thinking about the Fuji system then this is the best $9.95 you will spend. It will help you navigate all their cameras and lenses. The best part is Bill speaks as a pro and his words of wisdom may help you from purchasing something that you might regret and then he gives you tips on things you might need.

Most people who write these kind of books have drunk the Koolaid of the company and really over sell the brand. Bill Fortney loved Nikon and I never felt like he was over selling Nikon.

Now if you have ever been to photo shows you may have met Bill. I remember many times standing across the table at a trade show talking to Bill about the latest cameras and lenses.

The book A User’s Guide to the Fuji X-System is written in that same voice I listened to for so many years.

"Nope not yet!" is one of the quotes about the system. Honest that the camera doesn't do all that his Nikon System does.

Fortney even says, "What kinds of photography is the X-System not my first choice for: Heavy duty sports shooting Birds in flight – extreme wildlife action.  I didn’t say you can’t do this, I just think there are better systems for it!"

He is honest and the advice he is giving will save you lots of time and money figuring out how to get the most out of the Fuji System.

He does go on and tell you all the great reasons Fuji is worth the investment and how it is saving his back for one.

With Bill's permission here is one of the pages to give you a sneak peek into the ebook.

There are a lot of examples for everything he talks about.

Bill's Nikon Gear
By the way, Bill still owns his Nikons. He just wrote a blog being sure you understand how the Fuji system is a tool and not the only tool he uses. Here is that blog link []

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