Thursday, May 28, 2015

How to deliver photos to clients

I talked on an earlier blog about me switching from CD/DVD as a deliverable to USB. It also talks about where I ordered my custom USB jump drives. Here is that post.

The question came up about how to deliver photos to a client on a board the other day. With new computers not coming with a CD/DVD player and the size of images today making it quite difficult to fit all your images on one CD/DVD the question is what can you do? Here are my thoughts that go beyond the one size fits all.

The key when working with potential clients and clients is that you are thinking about them and not you. Telling them to bring a USB is thinking about yourself rather than you–that is if that is the only option you give to them.

General pricing tips:

First remember that you need options. This way you are communicating your desire to accommodate their needs and tastes.


Deliverable: You may choose any of these different options for having the photos delivered to you. If you have another way you would like them delivered please let me know and I can get you a price for that service.

1. Photos delivered on a USB Jump Drive

2. Photos delivered by the Cloud. This is where we send you an email with a link that you can click on and using a password then download all the images on your personal computer. You will need the space on your computer for the images. A typical portrait session can take 500 megs of space on your computer and a wedding can be 3 gigs to 4 gigs of space.

3. Photos put into an online Gallery. This choice gives you the ability to order prints, t-shirts, coffee mugs and more as well as downloading the images. This is often chosen when someone wants to share their photos with friends and family. This allows them to order their prints and you do not have to get their money and handle shipping their prints to them–we handle all that for you.
4. Photos delivered as prints. This option is where you choose a print size and we give you all the photos as a print. You can pick 4x6, 5x7, 8x10 or whatever size you choose and then we deliver all the photos as a print. You can also request multiple copies at the same time.
5. Combination of any of the above. You can mix and match the delivery of the above options.

I recommend pricing each of these and maybe even giving the price of combination packages of those options. I would discount them if someone ordered prints, USB and wanted online gallery.

Remember the thing that will make you more money that just taking the photo is the deliverable. This is the final experience the customer has with you and how they will share their experience with their friends.

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