Friday, May 29, 2015

Scanning some photos from college in 1982

It is a lot of fun going through my work while I was in College. This is from my Junior year at East Carolina University.

Now one thing I am noticing already that I love about today's digital cameras over the film years–XML code that tells you the camera, lens, aperture and more data about the camera used to shoot the photo.

Another thing is today I embed IPTC or just think of it as all the text I want to help with the image. Caption information, Copyright, city and state information I can store today. I can even store the GPS coordinates.

This photo is from the October 9, 1982 at Ficklen Memorial Stadium in Greenville, NC with an attendance of 19,521. ECU defeated Richmond 35-14. I was able to look that up on the web.

I can also tell you there is a lot of grain in Tri-X film and there were a lot of spots where there wasn't a chemical base giving small spots.

Today I can get incredible detail that just wasn't all that possible with the Tri-X in a 35mm camera. I now understand even more why medium format gave you better resolution. You had more information than you needed.

This is a photo of Joe Jackson at Great Adventure Theme Park in Howell, NJ. While going through all the negatives I noticed more soft photos due to shutter speed issues. Today I would catch that issue much faster due to the histogram and the LCD to help check images for sharpness.

It is just fun to reminisce about the past and scanning these old photos. Hopefully I can scan some of those worth keeping and getting all the caption information embedded in the photos so they can be searched and posted online. This way historians and just anyone can search and find photos that I happened to take that they may enjoy one day. 

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