Wednesday, January 13, 2016

2016 business tips for the freelancer to grow their business

These are some business tips for the freelancer to grow his/her business. Things as simple as contacting people through email and more you will need to do this year.

Here is one blog post for those who have yet to take the plunge – 9 things you need to do before going freelance full-time.

Some of these tips will link you to past blog posts to help you explore each tip more in depth if you choose.

  1. Solve a problem, and then start the business – Your business is to solve a problem for another business. Ask yourself the question what business problems am I solving for my clients. 
  2. Photographer are you Liked or Loved – Your need table food and soul food. The best way to get both is the personal project that shows your business solution through a photo project for example that shows how you solved this problem for someone.
  3. How much you can make as a photographer? – You need a good understanding of the cost of doing business. One key element knows your personal family budget as well. If you don't know what your personal bills are and how much you bring in and the difference you are probably going to fail in business. 
  4. When it comes to marketing: Act like a freshman and not a senior – No one knows you or what you do so you will have to tell them and also communicate how your services will benefit their bottom line.
  5. Create a calendar with actions for you to do. Here are some things that should be on your list:
    1. People to contact by phone [weekly] – These are your clients and prospects. 
    2. Targeted marketing campaign – this is where you write a letter for example that targets people in your database that are in a particular industry.
      1. Education Market
      2. Editorial Market
      3. Sports
      4. Medical
    3. Blog – this is where you share something that continues to build your reputation as an expert. I recommend three times a week.
    4.  e-Newsletter – I send one out monthly to my clients. This is just a way to reconnect with your audience. Remember to think of why they want to get this not that you want them to hire you.
    5. Snail mail – you can send hand written thank you cards to all your clients that hire you recently. Do this after each job. Maybe create a postcard or some other mailing. Remember they have to physically touch this before it goes in the mail, whereas emails will get automatically deleted and never seen.
  6. Networking events – You need to be out and meeting new people. I call this fishing with a big net.     
  7. Workshops – You need to continue to grow in knowledge so plan to attend meetings through the year to help you expand your skills.

You may think of more things, but be sure you have a plan and are working it.

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