Friday, October 07, 2016

Guest With Camera vs the Guy With Camera

Fujifilm X-E2, FUJINON XF 18-55mm, ISO 6400, ƒ/4.5, 1/60
My favorite role at a wedding is that of the guest. GWC in the photo world is often referring to the Guy With a Camera.

My favorite camera to use for these situations is my Fuji X-E2. It is small and everyone doesn't think of me as the "official photographer."

This is my travel kit. As a guest I carry this in a small bag and most of the time shoot everything with the FUJINON XF 18-55mm.

Fujifilm X-E2, FUJINON XF 18-55mm, ISO 1600, ƒ/4, 1/200
Now when you are a guest the odds are you have a personal relationship with the Bride and Groom. This is the bride's daughter on the left and my daughter is on the far right. I feel like the smiles are different with family and friends than for a professional photographer.

This is why everyone should take a few photos at a wedding and share them with the couple. Just don't get in the way of the professionals. They will get most all the main photos. You should get things like I have done here, photos around the main action of the bride and groom.

Fujifilm X-E2, FUJINON XF 18-55mm, ISO 1250, ƒ/4, 1/200
There was a quick moment where the maid of honor gave her flowers to her boyfriend to hold for her. I just thought this was a fun moment that most wedding photographers wouldn't necessarily capture.

Fujifilm X-E2, FUJINON XF 18-55mm, ISO 400, ƒ/4, 1/320
Because we are friends there were conversations that brought laughter to the family that unless you are family and friends are harder to capture as the professional who is back a couple of feet peeking in verses being in the conversation as here.

Fujifilm X-E2, FUJINON XF 18-55mm, ISO 6400, ƒ/4, 1/60
What I love to give to people is my gift of photography. I think for the most part this makes for one of the most intimate gifts you can give to someone.

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