Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Tip to make your website work for you

This is a marketing tip I learned about websites. When people come to your website they need to know what you do and then have an action item you are encouraging that they take.

This is my website and the action item is at the top in the menu. "FREE Download" is what I want people to click on to be able to get their email address and contact information. They are then enrolled in my monthly e.Newsletter and I give them the FREE Download of the "Tips for Better Photos" PDF.

They just fill out the form that you see here and then they get an email with their download link.

I am not expecting a ton of signups for this FREE Magazine/Book, but I am hoping that I get some engagement from my website that I can measure with something that I can then use.

Go to my website at StanleyLeary.com to experience this and see if you think you need to do something similar for your website and then I hope you enjoy the FREE "Tips for Better Photos."

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