Thursday, June 16, 2011

Spacing is important for group photos

When you have groups space the people so that if you have a second row they are staggered in between the front row.
When taking group photos, arrive early. You need to scout the location, maybe setup risers, set your lights and then wait.  When the group arrives you can ask everyone to lineup by height and start in the middle back with the tallest person. As you add people alternate them on either side of the middle.

While you might not have a set of risers there are many places you can get a similar effect.  Look for stairs a sloped area outside or if you don't find one get up higher and shoot down on the group.

The key is to have the photo already sketched out in your mind or even on paper.  You also have to take charge right away.  I have even jokingly taken a few shots before they get into place fully.  Since the flashes go off the folks think I have already really started.  Well I have--I have taken charge and gotten their attention.

I do make a little joke and then they all laugh.  I might even snap another one for fun.  The problem with large groups is people have conversations with each other. You need their attention and also need those talking to stop.  They make it difficult for others to hear your instructions. 
Use steps or risers for larger groups so that the people on the back rows are not blocked by the height of those in front of them.
One thing these photos show is how more uniform everyone is in their dress the more of a "group" they become.  Even the introduction of color with the hoods creates a little more of individuality in the photo.

For the group photos I used this setup.  The lights were about 30 feet from the group.  The further the light is from the group the light value from the front row to the back is more even.  The closer the light is to the group the greater the risk is of the front row being much brighter than the back row.

Before and after group photos I like to shoot candid photos.  Most clients love to have this moments for their files.

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