Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Facebook now with more stories than ever

Frontera de Cristo shared a link.

Check out this 1:30 minute video by Stanley Leary, a professional videographer who participated in our border to border delegation. Thanks Stanley!
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I love it when my clients are posting packages I have done for them on their Facebook page like Frontera de Cristo did with one of the videos I did for them

What is just as exciting is seeing the responses. Five people went ahead and shared this on their Facebook pages as well. Within a few hours the video was seen by more than 300 people.  Maybe more if more than one person watched it for each click.

Stories are what people are spreading on their social media.

  • My feed on Facebook is full of stories everyday. Many are multimedia. I am seeing more storytelling than I have ever seen before in my lifetime.
Some of the stories will have you crying.

If you own a business and you are not creating story content for your Facebook then you are missing an incredible opportunity. 

I am encouraged to see that people really do love good storytelling. People want to be entertained and educated. 

Some of my friends like Alex Garcia are always posting the best stories they are finding like this one here on the recent Tornadoes.

Surviving residents of the Washington IL tornado talk share their experiences.,0,2702436.embeddedvideo
Maybe this is why so many of us are going to Facebook in addition to catching up with friends. Our friends are sharing great content.

I am loving all this, how about you? My friend Kathleen Murray shared this series of photos of dancers in real life situations.  Very cool.

Give me a call if you need some help telling stories for you to post on Facebook, Google+, or Instagram. Remember for them to be shared the content has to be entertaining. The best way to do this is hire a professional.

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