Sunday, November 10, 2013

More than Just Coffee--It's about a relationship with the grower

David Cifuentes Velazquez, coffee grower and member of the Just Coffee Cooperative, enjoys sharing with a visiting group how coffee is grown.
The personal testimony is so powerful. This past week I was privileged to hear personal stories after another of how Just Coffee Cooperative was changing their lives.

David Cifuentes Velazquez was so excited that due to the cooperative forming his son had returned from working in the states to Salvador Urbina, Chiapas, Mexico where the family farmed coffee. David went on to tell about how each of his children lived next door to his home.

Every night we were there the family all came together singing long into the night. Many from the group that were part of a delegation to learn more about Just Coffee joined in and sang along with them.

Each morning the delegation would gather and review what we were experiencing. One morning Whitney Moss of Greer, South Carolina, said she had not laughed this much before. She was truly touched by how everyone in the community enjoyed one another and how the conversations were full of joy and laughter.

As we walked around the community the people were always smiling at us and greeting us.

Joshua Ediger was one of the participants in the delegation. He is from Reedley, California where he works as a manager of a local café. As we saw the coffee in all the stages from growing, harvesting, de-pulping, drying and roasting, Joshua could not stopped commenting on how exciting this was to see and experience.

Hear Joshua in his own words talk about how this experience has changed him.

To order Just Coffee go to their website