Friday, November 01, 2013

More than Just Coffee

Every day people go to convenience stores like this one and buy a cup of coffee. This coffee here is "More Than Just Coffee."

Raul is the owner of this convenience store in Douglas, AZ. This town is the largest area of the Mexican border where illegal immigration is a problem with drugs and people. Raul is pleased that this local coffee company Just Coffee is helping address some of the concerns and everyone like the taste better than what we had before.

This week I am following a group of Americans from all over the country as they explore from the Mexico-USA border to Guatamala-Mexico border the issues with immigration. Here they are walking along the border from the people fence to seeing the vehicle fence.

This is quite a diverse group from age, politics and ethnic backgrounds. They are here to see first hand the issues around immigration.

They are also here to see how one solution is helping restore a coffee growing community in Chiapas and Agua Prieta where they roast the coffee. This is a coffee cooperative unlike so many others because 100% of the profits stay in Mexico.

Since the beginning a little over 10 years ago till now the families are no longer looking to the North for solving their economic problem, they found it through building a cooperative.

Stay tuned for more images and stories.

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