Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Looking for moments that trigger nostalgia at the beach

Fuji X-E2, FUJINON XF 18-55mm, ISO 1250, ƒ/6.4, 1/500
Whenever I go to the beach I am looking for those moments that are timeless and just make me connect to years gone by. Honestly it is so difficult to do, but each time I try and try again.

Fuji X-E2, FUJINON XF 18-55mm, ISO 3200, ƒ/9, 1/500
The way I do this is just looking and seeing if there is an emotional pull from the scene. I try to isolate objects and try different angles.

Fuji X-E2, FUJINON XF 18-55mm, ISO 800, ƒ/9, 1/500
I think sometimes the silhouette helps to make objects and people become more symbolic.

Fuji X-E2, FUJINON XF 18-55mm, ISO 1250, ƒ/9, 1/500
For an image to really create a mood that is timeless it has to be pretty awesome use of light. The reason is you have to grab people's attention and pull them in.

Fuji X-E2, FUJINON XF 55-200mm, ISO 200, ƒ/8, 1/800
 Sometimes the activities are more timeless and can bring back those memories for us.

Nikon D750, AF-S NIKKOR 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR,  ISO 100, ƒ/9, 1/250
One thing I am noticing is that middle of the day shooting on a beach rarely is the light dramatic enough to really do it for me.

Fuji X-E2, FUJINON XF 55-200mm, ISO 200, ƒ/4.8, 1/2400
I do have some new memories capturing our family enjoying the beach, so these will be cherished by us, however to communicate beyond our family and have impact that must be more universal in their language of imagery.

Nikon D750, AF-S NIKKOR 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR,  ISO 110, ƒ/14, 1/100
I guess you will have to stay tuned to see if I finally find the images I am really hoping will want you to pack your bags and head to a location. 

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