Wednesday, August 05, 2015

The pictures you want tomorrow, you have to take today.

This is my great grandfather/grandmother and my grandfather whom I am named after. It is the only photo I have of Henry Leary.

When I look at this photo I see family resemblance and this photo really makes me ask a lot of questions about my family.

This is a snapshot of my grandfather when he was much older with my grandmother. While this photo doesn't communicate to others what it does for me, because this is a memory trigger. It brings me back to when I was just a toddler and remembering my grandparent's home and memories about them.

This is my other grandfather. I realize these are photos of the family in our homes and relaxing and enjoying one another.

I didn't take any of those photos., but they still mean something to me.

Our immediate family has it's own memories that I have been documenting through the years. Here are our boys with my soon to be wife Dorie with my cousin, uncle and her friend.

This photo was taken at the Biltmore House in Asheville, NC and it brings back a lot of memories.

On weekends where I would be photographing a college football game for a wire service I often would rent some longer lenses and would end up taking some photos of our boys that same weekend in one of their games.

While my other photos were in newspapers and magazines telling the stories of those games it is the photos of the family which I cherish even more.

I cherish the moments like this when my daughter first saw Harry Potter World at Universal Studios in Orlando. Parents just love the moments when you help your children's dreams come true.

While taking these photos is great, be sure you are doing everything to preserve those photos for the generations of the future for your family. Do your best job to capture not just the moments, but to write a little about each photo.

I recommend making photo books of your families memories. I use the publisher If you use Lightroom to edit your photos then just click on the book module and when you publish you will be using Blurb.

Just select all the photos you want in the book and it will automatically create one for you which you can modify, or you can do it page by page yourself.

Every day we are looking to photos to get our news, help us do our jobs and even our hobbies. When you want to just relax and remember we are going to places like Facebook to remember and enjoy our friends and family.

I predict that the most important photos to you are those of your friends and family. Kodak sold film, but they don't advertise film. They advertised memories.

Kodak advertisement, "We capture your memories forever." and one that I think we need to remember today "The pictures you want tomorrow, you have to take today."

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