Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Is your photography website scalable from Desktop to Mobile?

60 Percent Of Internet Access Is Mostly Mobile

This was the headline and graph showing how the rest of the world is consuming the web excluding the UK and the USA. Here is a link to that story.

I pulled the report on my website.

This is some of the numbers of visits to my website and the main discovery is that 56% are using a laptop or a desktop to look at my website.

My website up until this past weekend worked great for anyone using a desktop/laptop to connect with my website. However, 44% were visiting using mobile or a tablet. On the mobile the website wasn't very friendly.

Now if you are viewing this blog on your mobile device then you are already seeing like the above photo. I realized I needed to make my main website mobile friendly, but also still a great experience if using a larger device.

Now my website looks like this on a mobile device.

Now in the corner I have a pull down menu which is being used widely through the web.

Many times people may go first to your website with their mobile device and then come back later on a larger screen laptop or desktop. I still need to engage them because sometimes they are looking for someone like me and I don't want them to pass over me because my website isn't mobile friendly.


In February 2015, Google announced that the mobile-friendly update will boost the rankings of mobile-friendly pages -- pages that are legible and usable on mobile devices -- in mobile search results worldwide. (Conversely, pages designed for only large screens may see a significant decrease in rankings in mobile search results.)

The role out of this change was April 21st this year.

Are you mobile friendly with your website?

I am using the website builders from Godaddy and PhotoShelter to build my websites that makes them scalable from desktop to ipad to mobile device.  You can do this using a more traditional approach like Dreamweaver, but I have found these online designers are simpler to use.

Here is the link to see PhotoShelter website templates and designs. $10 a month for a mobile friendly website.

Here is the link to see Godaddy website templates and designs. $6 a month for a mobile friendly website.

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