Friday, September 09, 2011

2nd Mile Service Project for Roswell Presbyterian Church

Poster designed to promote the display
Roswell Presbyterian Church is my home church.  A couple of years ago they started using a hall that we call "Main Street" for art shows of our members.

They asked me to coordinate a show on missions.  We photographed our mission partners around the world and this is the resulting show.

I am excited because we are putting up photos that met a few criteria.

Criteria for the show:
  1. Photo had to be a large enough file size to make a 20"x30" print.
  2. Photos had to be well exposed.
  3. Photos had to be in focus.
  4. The photo had to be story telling.  We needed photos that help people understand what they are looking at and not just a photo of people all smiling and looking at the camera.
  5. The photos needed to be action oriented rather than just a picture of an object.  So often people just take pictures of the buildings or the well they dug.  We wanted to see the people these projects were all about.

Laying out the prints along the hall for the display
The show will hang for 6 weeks.  During this time the ministers sermons will revolve around the them of "Windows to the Soul" that will be about each person's individual calling into missions.

Our goal for the project is that everyone will come to see that God can use their gifts, whatever they may be, for missions.  Everyone is called to be missionaries. 

Picked three photos for one wall in a major area of the building
I hope we dispel some of the myths around missions:
  1. All missionaries are preachers
  2. You must go to some other continent like Africa
  3. You must give up everything you own
  4. Missions isn't fun
The show isn't about photography. It is using photography as the medium for the message.  I hope the images call some into full time ministry.  But if all it does is change one person's life and helps them discover their call in missions then it was a success.

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