Thursday, September 01, 2011

Do your company headshots look uniform?

Example of a company using a modern look with the white background
When people go to your website and click on your team, do you have headshots?  If not you need to seriously consider adding these in today's "Social Media" environment.  Just ask your kids what they call a person who doesn't have a headshot with their profile--"Creeper"

Using a more classic look gives a different feel to the company headshots
While having a headshot will help you not look like a "Creeper." having all different types of headshots can look quite unprofessional.  Are you saving any real money by taking your own snapshot of your team to put on the website or your blog? 

Remember you only have about 1/10th of a second to make a first impression.  They are not reading your bio to make that decision--they are looking at your photo.

What does your "About Us" page have for your potential clients to learn about you?  Are you a "Creeper" with no headshots?  Do you look like you cut corners and try to save money and take your own headshots?  Do all your headshots match or does it look like someone missed picture day at the high school and had a snapshot sent in for their senior year yearbook photo?

Give me a call if you want all your company headshot to look similar and help "brand" your company.

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