Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Race Cars and Photography Subjects have a lot in common

Just a self portrait of me at the Atlanta Speedway
My last e.Newsletter sparked a reader's comment.  He shot motorsports and wanted to do even more and get paid to do so.  He was commenting on my blog post "How to photograph what you love for a living."

It was during the exchange of emails that I had a moment of clarity.  I had another example to help students learn how to understand marketing.

If you look you will notice not just a major sponsor, but many others with their logos on these cars.
The guy had sent me some of his photos of cars on a track and I immediately saw all the sponsor decals. I see every sticker as a potential client--most photographers just see it as decoration.

For example Goodyear might be interested in photos and an article for their internal newsletter.  Every single sticker on that car is a potential corporate outlet.  Two departments at each of these corporations one should contact.  Their PR office which often has two parts an internal and external focus.  The second group is Marketing/Advertising. 

Every time you talk to anyone on the driver's team you need to find out where they are from and what schools they went to.  Their hometown paper is interested and their college alumni publications are interested.

Don't forget to then look at everything on your list and then think of all the associations these folks are members of.  Each of those organizations has publications as well. 

Each and every sticker is another sponsor who would be interested in photos of this car.
Goodyear is most likely a member of TIA (Tire Industry Association).  They too have publications that need photos.  They run ads of their members in the publications.

While HomeDepot and Lowe's maybe competition, most likely they are both members of the NRHA, North American Retail Hardware Association. 

Even NASCAR driver Randy Baker has sponsor patches all over his driving suit.
You may not ever cover motorsports, but if you were to think of everything you photograph as having people interested in the photos the same reasons that sponsors put decals on race cars, then you have one of the biggest clues to know how to market your services.

Everyone has a story is based on another fact someone wants to know their story.  Learn to connect the dots between the story and the audience.

When you make contact

When you pitch a story you are pushing content.  Learn to pull content as well with each contact.  "…here is a story for you on …."  Always let them know your availability and what you are doing in case they want to piggy back an assignment for you.  "I am going to cover _____ race on____.  If you need any coverage of this let me know.  Also, I can take time on the way there and back to stop and get coverage for you along the way.  This will save you the travel expenses since I am already in the area."

Whenever you travel take time to stop by and visit some of these people you are contacting.  "Hey John I am in the area for a job tomorrow.  Do you mind I stop by and say hello.  Maybe we can get a cup of coffee."  This can lead to more jobs.

It is about networking.  The more contacts you make the more times you will get a job that pays.

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