Sunday, September 11, 2011

Senior Portrait Should be Fun

Each photo here captures another side of Emily.  To me this captures the soft innocent child.

I was honored when my friend Fauve called and asked me to photograph her daughter's senior year photos. This was all because of a photo I took of her playing her Cello in an orchestra concert.  She loved the photo and figured if I can make her look good playing the Cello then I should be the guy for her senior photo.

This is Emily and her sister Jane.  Siblings bring out the best in us.

The hard part about this photo shoot is Emily didn't bring her cello.  It was just my camera and her. I had to talk to her and get her to play with situations.  She trusted me and did her best.  Because of her efforts we came up together with some real winners.
As you will see I couldn't just have one of them together.

Emily let me know she didn't want formal shots.  She wanted some moments where we were getting glimpses of her.  She didn't see herself as look straight into the lens and smiling.  While we definitely got some of those shots, they were really moments in between other moments where she was looking up and waiting for some guidance.  Sometimes she was just relaxed and enjoying the moment.
I am not sure what I was capturing here.  I can't quite put it into words.  Maybe it is just cool play on light.

We used different things that were naturally around for props.  I think these help relax some people.  I think here Emily already looks like a college student.

I believe there are times you just need to try a lot of things to then pick the best for your big moment.  Graduating from high school is a monumental moment we celebrate.  It is the transition year for many to leave home and start a new life.
Guess where Emily has applied to go next year?

Ceremonies help us to make these transitions.  Having your senior picture made is a way to have something to hold onto to celebrate the last time at home and with our friends.  Next year we will move on to a new beginning and new friends.  Before we can move on we really need to celebrate where we have come to at this moment.  Photos are some of the best ways to remember these times.
I like capturing moments where it looks like we are having a conversation. 

While the shot above is wider and helps set a mood, this shot gets us close and see how friendly Emily is to folks.

I am not sure, but I think these two like to have fun.

I am not sure I would narrow this down to one photo.  I like them all and there were many more that you are not seeing.  Take time to remember and one of the best ways to do that is with photos.
We all liked the signage on the shop. I think every lady would like to see themselves as part of Vogue.

Sitting on fences and porches makes a photo seem like the girl next door.  What do you think?

Emily just looks elegant to me.


Fauve Yandel Holihan said...

Stanley, these are stunning...OMG, I can't believe how wonderful these few are -- you really know how to put your subjects "at ease." My girls are so lovely in these -- thank you SO much for all the work you put into Emily's photos...they're just beautiful!


Robert Holihan said...

These are very nice photos. I like the setting and how the photo can catch the mood.