Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Am I the best photographer for my client?

Have you asked yourself this question? Am I the best photographer for my client?

If you are wanting your business to grow you need to answer this question from the client's perspective and not yours.

So, who else can your customer use? How does your work stack up to the competition?

It will take some time for you to be competitive. You must first being doing your best for you. You cannot be the best overnight. It takes time to develop.

Before you can soar you have to learn to fly
Let's be reasonable, when you are starting out there are a lot of photographers better than you. However, you need to be sure you are at your personal best at all times.

You are building a reputation. You need to have your reputation precede you by word of mouth from your Google ranking, and from your business social media presence. What can you do now to help you have something that when people investigate you there is something for them to find.

When you go for it you need a good parachute

Before you call on a prospect and hope they will hire you you need to have done your homework. You need to know all you can about the client. What do they need a photographer to do for them.

You need to be conveying value and not benefits and features. The only way to do this is to know enough about them to help phrase your benefits and features in ways that can be of value to them. How will this help them?

Always have two or three ideas to propose to them when you call. I like to think of stories that my customers could be doing. Most of the time these are typically best practices stories. Every company wants to feature those that are doing the very best in hopes that others can copy some of those techniques to improve their performance.

How will you back all these claims up with new clients? How about using video testimonials from your present clients?

Keep yourself focused on a goal
Keep your standards higher than your clients

It is easy to be satisfied with a certain level of work when you are getting work. What is dangerous is becoming complacent. Your competition only needs to show they are a better fit for the client than you.

If you are always growing and looking for how you can improve your competition will be behind your more often than in front of you.

Realty Check

Your clients are looking for a trusted adviser who has good ideas and thinks of of how to help them.  They are not needing someone who is slick and great with a presentation. They need something solid and not about a great sales pitch.

Are you the best person for your client? Can you honestly feel that in your heart? If you can great. If not do all you can to be your best and be able to believe this about your talents.

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