Saturday, June 09, 2012

Which photo(s) would you choose and why?

This is part two of question series on which photos you would choose and why.

Again I was covering the Revive! Young Adult Track at the 2012 Eucharistic Congress put on by the Archdiocese of Atlanta.  These are photos of a speaker for the evening.

Your job is to help me pick the best photo or photos that would run with an article about her speaking to the group.

Here is the write up from the Archdiocese of Atlanta website, which is all I knew about her going into the evening.

Come back and check out the discussions about why people choose one photo over another photo.  Be sure and vote below so you can see how you compare with others.

Mother Mary Assumpta

Mother M. Assumpta Long, O.P., is the prioress general of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, in Ann Arbor, Mich. She was one of the four founding sisters of the community in 1997 as Pope John Paul II invited new religious communities to form and respond to the needs of the New Evangelization. The community now has over 100 sisters teaching in seven dioceses, drawing its inspiration from the rich heritage of the Dominican Order of Preachers and the vitality of the New Evangelization. The average age of the sisters is 28.

A former college president, Mother Assumpta holds a licentiate in sacred theology from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome, Italy, and has taught at the elementary, secondary and junior college levels. In the early 1990s she was invited by Cardinal John O’Connor to assist with the initial formation of the Sisters of Life in New York. She is a well-known speaker throughout the United States.

Help me pick a photo or a series of photos 

Photo #1

Photo #2

Photo #3

Photo #4

Photo #5

Photo #6
Which photo would you use? You can pick more than one.

I would use the poll, but can't do two at a time right now on my blog.  Put your comments below.


David Stembridge said...

# 3 & 6 for me, I think #3 is important with the ladies watching closely in the background. I really liked the composition, and framing and gentle expression on #6. I'd probably choose these 2!

Unknown said...

Thanks for participating David. Good insights!

Kristel Ralston said...

Picture N. 6 she looks calm, confident; transmits compassion, patience.

Unknown said...

Thanks Kris

robin said...

#6 Tighter is better if you're goal is to convey your subject's personality and passion. The other images show context but they a bit loose and boring. The exit sign distracts reader's eye from her face. I also like her hand gesturing as it breaks up the white. Image is also 'cropable' to square without losing any detail of her face.

Unknown said...

Thanks Robin.

Loren Dueck said...

Number three is good because it shows the younger ladies. That way people that see the picture can recognize that it isn't just about an old nun preaching, but at the same time they won't be able to help asking themselves what the old nun is all about.

Unknown said...

Lauren thanks for your insights.

David said...

Well, tough choices. I like #1 in that it has the name of the event and juxtaposes the age of Sr. Assumpta and her talk to the young adults. I'm not crazy about the shadows/background and the image of Sister is rather small.

I like 3 in that it has the young ladies in it, but it does lack context somewhat, but an accompanying article could provide that. I don't like the big shadows.

4, 5, and 6 are great character study shots. I think I like the energy shown in 4 and 5, but agree with the earlier post that the exit sign can be distracting, especially if run in color.

The final choice(s) would come down to how many shots can run and the article (if any) that runs with the photo.

Sorry I missed the Congress--we always seem to be out of town that weekend.

Unknown said...

Thanks David