Sunday, June 10, 2012

What clothing works best for a portrait?

Pick your clothing carefully

There are two types of photos when it comes to clothing: 1) For Portraits and 2) For Fashion.

If the photo shoot is for portrait you need to be sure that the clothing doesn't distract, but rather compliments the person's face. The fashion photo shoot is all about the clothing and the model is just there to make the clothing look good.

Look at these three examples of tops for a typical head shot.

Photo #1

Photo #2

Photo #3
To be sure we are concentrating on how clothing can add or distract from a portrait I shot these all the same so that the only difference is really the clothing.

First of all all three outfits look good on the model and the point isn't about which one you like the most. The point in a portrait photo is which one makes you look more at the model's face and less about the clothing?

Simple Tips:
  1. Avoid busy patterns as in Photo #1
  2. Choose a solid as in Photo #2
  3. Avoid Stripes as in Photo #3
Each person will look best in one of the following necklines: v-neck, oval or round.

Color choices can be tricky as well. Everyone will look good in Aqua. The reason for this is this is the closest to the complementary color for the skin.

While different ethnic groups have different skin, the general rule is it is more about how light or dark the skin is more than color differences.

However the other factor is our eyes and hair color. Complimentary and the same color are generally good on a person. Complimentary colors tend to make you pop more than the same colors.

The general rule which is often the most difficult to follow is always keeping it simple.

Lighting diagram used for examples
(2) Alienbees B1600
1-stop brighter on background than lights on subject

White backdrop
I recommend not having it perpendicular to the camera. Slight angle will help avoid light flare caused by light bouncing off background

(2) Alienbees B1600 with bounce white umbrellas

Nikon D4 with 28-300mm
No description for this item.


love said...

IN this case the pattern 1st picture matches the skin tone of the subject which I think is lovely. I second the turqoi

Famous Photographer said...

There's a very big difference between a portrait to a fashion photoshoot. The emphasize of the portrait shoots is the person while in a fashion shoot is to the one she is wearing. Very nice and simple tip. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Thanks famous photographer

Anonymous said...

I actually think the first photo is the best of the three. That pattern is soft and compliments her skin. In the others, the turquoise leaps off the page first and foremost.

Mark Taylor said...

I think the first photo follows to rule of "your eye is drawn to the lightest/brightest part of the photo"... which is the blouse for the first photo.

In the second photo the eye is naturally directed to her face, which is what is desired.

In the third photo, the stripe is distracting.