Sunday, March 22, 2015

What time is it on your camera?

Sunday, March 8th Daylight Savings time happened. We lost an hour of time. Did you move all your clocks forward?

Now if you have only one camera this is important, but it is critical if you have more than one camera on a photo shoot.

Go through your menu and set the camera for the correct time zone. This is great to use if you travel to be sure you are set on the local time using the correct time zone.

I like using Nikon's Camera Control Pro 2 $179.95 to set the time on the cameras to the computer, which is set to the internet time.

I synchronize the camera date and time to the PC as you see here I did with my Nikon D4.

Here I plugged the camera into the computer using the USB port and calibrated the Nikon D750. Now all three cameras are synchronized.

This helps when editing that I can get all the photos shot at the same time together. This makes it so easy when in Adobe Lightroom to organize the photos by Capture Time.

Now if you changed white balance situations then this can be crucial when trying to group all the same photos in the same light together.


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