Thursday, December 01, 2011

I am attending the Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar and you should too

The Atlanta Photojournalism Seminar
I have three friends that I have talked with in just the past couple of days who are driving in to go to the seminar today. All of us combined have more than 100+ years of experience, so why go to something like this when you have so much experience?

This years faculty
Deb Pang Davis
Some of the workshops intrigued me.  I was really interested in hearing from Deb Pang Davis on "Branding Strategies & Marketing Yourself."

While I even teach regularly on this topic, I am interested in how others are seeing the industry and places for growth.  With the economy so upside down and my industry taking a major hit these past years, many of the traditional avenues for income are not just down, but gone. I hope to hear about how some photographers are remaking themselves and finding income.

I am not interested in copying their path, but how they discovered the new niche may give me insights to where some potential growth for my work could lie.

I find that everyone sees things much differently and that when I am open and listen I grow and learn something new. I try to then see how maybe I can incorporate some of these perspectives into my life.

Tom Kennedy
The other workshop "Understanding the Changing Media Landscape" led by Tom Kennedy really appealed to me.

Kennedy is on the faculty of the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University as the endowed Alexia Foundation chair in the multimedia, photography, and design department.

I first met Kennedy when he was the director of photography at National Geographic. I remember showing him my work and he commented that he didn't see any surprises. You can read more about this in my past blog on "To break the rules, you must first know the rules."

When I was co-president of ASMP Atlanta Chapter we invited Kennedy to speak. He packed so much in on this topic back then I just about got carpal tunnel syndrome from that talk. I am really looking forward to hearing him.

If you come to the seminar you will see more than the four old guys sitting in the room listening to some of these young folks.  You will see more of us, because we understand that when you stop learning you stop growing.

Keep yourself vibrant and growing by attending a seminar or workshop. If you are in Atlanta December 2nd and 3rd then come to the workshop.

Simon Bruty
By the way, Simon Bruty :: Sports Illustrated speaks on Saturday morning at 9:25 a.m. and this is free and open to the public, courtesy of Canon’s Explorers of Light program.

If you are an amateur you are welcome to attend as much as any professional or student.

While the speakers on the program are outstanding, I can tell you from my 30+ years of experience going to these events that those in attendance sometimes are on the same level and sometimes better known than the speakers.

Come and hang out with us. My daughter calls these events that Daddy goes to "Nerd Fests."

There will be Nikon and Canon gear to see and other vendors as well.

Hope to see you there. If you are there, come and say hello to me.

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