Tuesday, December 10, 2013

$50 Headshot December Special

I sent out an email using similar photo above for a promotional piece.


I was seeing too many friends out of work with terrible or no headshot on their Linkedin profiles. They either looked unprofessional or like creepers.

Too many of these people would not spend the money right now to get a professional headshot. I wanted to give them a way to get one without appearing to be needy.

What I sent out
[first name], The software puts their name in the spot to personalize the email.
I am offering this special to those who would like to stop by my home studio for five minutes for a quick portrait. I will make no more than a dozen photos for you to choose one photo for $50 that I will then email to you for you to use however.
Keep in mind, that you want it to put you in the best light possible -- literally. Lighting is key to having a good headshot and amateur headshots are pretty obvious. 
The pose in your headshot is important as well. The trick to a great headshot is one that exudes your personality. You want the people looking at it to be able to discern the kind of person you are simply by taking a glance at the photo. 
Stay with solid colors for your outfit. Patterns are distracting and pull your attention away from your face. I would avoid white shirts they can have a problem depending on the monitor someone is seeing them on. 
Stop by the hair salon or barber before coming if you like.  
I recommend men shave just before to avoid those five o’clock shadows. 
I am hoping that this will help many out there who have been looking for jobs and need to do something to help them standout. Hopefully a good headshot on their Linkedin page and Facebook can help put them in their best light to land that next job. 
If you know someone who could benefit from this send them my way. It would make a great present for them. 


I have had many people contact me to schedule an appointment. Some are who I was targeting and some just knew this is a good deal that they couldn't pass up.

I also received emails from photographers asking to use this same promotion in their market.

Here is one of the best emails I received. I like it because someone got what I was trying to do.
Hi Stanley - I just want to say hi and what a really terrific service this is that you are providing to people. It reflects the generous heart you have and is a lovely thing to do at the holidays.  I miss not seeing you and Dorie often, but love keeping up via newsletters, etc.
Warmest and best to you for a very Merry Christmas! 
I think the rewards are greater than the immediate financial. I am building my brand and what I choose to offer as a special builds or tears down the brand.

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