Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Fuji X E2 vs Nikon D4 Low Light Test

This is a comparison of the two cameras with just the light from a Christmas tree in the room.  Custom white balance using the ExpoDisc with both cameras.

Downloadable high resolution files links are below some of the photos so you can compare at 100%.

This is the setup
Comparison of ISO 6400 ƒ/4 and ƒ/5

[Figure 1] Fuji X E2, ISO 6400, ƒ/4, 1/7

Crop of Figure 1
[Figure 2] Nikon D4, ISO 6400, ƒ/4, 1/2.5 28-300mm

Crop of Figure 2
6400 @ ƒ/8

[Figure 3] Fuji X E2, ISO 6400, ƒ/8, 2.3 [high resolution file]
[Figure 4] Nikon D4, ISO 6400, ƒ/8, 1/1.2, 28-300mm [high resolution file]
ISO 12800 @ ƒ/8

[Figure 5] Fuji X E2, ISO 12800, ƒ/8, 1.0 [high resolution file]
[Figure 6] Nikon D4, ISO 12800, ƒ/8, 1/3, 28-300mm [high resolution file]
ISO 25600 @ ƒ/8

[Figure 7] Fuji X E2, ISO 25600, ƒ/8, 1/2 [high resolution file]
[Figure 8] Nikon D4, ISO 25600, ƒ/8, 1/4, 28-300mm [high resolution file]

They are different camera chips.  The one on the left is the traditional and the one on the right is in the Fuji X E2.

You have a different look and not like comparing similar chip designs.

I think the Fuji X E2 rocks and the main reason I wanted it was to be able to take photos in low light when I didn't want to carry the Nikon D4.  I think it works just fine.

I do not think the Fuji will replace the Nikon D4, especially when it comes to shooting sports, but for many of the situations I work in it can replace it.