Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Honduras in Context

Nikon D4, 14-24mm, ISO 10000, ƒ/5, 1/100
This young Honduran teen is hanging just outside the door and watching the leader for Young Life lead the group of youth. The couple leading the Young Life program are Michael Aguilar and his wife Daniela Perez. They have only been in Honduras less than five months from Nicaragua.

I love this photo because it really symbolizes a new youth program where they have many teens peering in from outside and not sure about if they want to join or not.

I learned this technique from Don Rutledge.

Nikon D4, 14-24mm, ISO 400, ƒ/6.3, 1/100
Here I am showing one of the schools that Honduras Outreach Inc built at Agalta Valley, Olancho, Honduras.  Again here I stepped back with the 14mm lens to capture the two classrooms going on simultaneously and to help the audience see how they teach in an open air building.

Nikon D4, 14-24mm, ISO 500, ƒ/9, 1/100
Here I chose to shoot through a window and a door rather than just two doors. Again, I am trying to place these students in these photos in context.

Nikon D4, 28-300mm, ISO 280, ƒ/5.6, 1/100
This is a photo of Ubaldo Ponce teaching how to rope cattle. He is also one of the drivers for the Honduras Outreach program.

See how I am not using a left and right composition elements to show the context but now a front to back where the cattle help show what Ubaldo is doing.

Nikon D4, 28-300mm, ISO 5600, ƒ/6.3, 1/250
 While this photo is a little tighter shot it too has some context. You see the girl in the background watching the other girls at the board.  Hey I want to know is she impressed, cheating or what?

Nikon D4, 28-300mm, ISO 5600, ƒ/6.3, 1/250
 Here you can see another girl in the classroom working. I love the expression of her sounding out what she is reading. I also like the repetition of her classmates behind her in the class.
Nikon D4, 28-300mm, ISO 7200, ƒ/5.6, 1/250
This little boy was sitting so still and behaving himself while we waited for more than 2 hours for a program to start. I love his expression.

Now here I didn't give you much context in the photograph. You don't need it in every photograph and actually that would be a problem if you did. Mix it up.

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