Monday, October 21, 2013

Homecoming Dance Photos

Nikon D4, 28-300mm ƒ/3.5-5.6, ISO 320, ƒ/5.6, 1/40

With a little preplanning your photos of your child's homecoming and prom pictures we all take before with friends and family can improve your photos.

Now we tried to get all of our daughter's friends to stop by the house before going out that night, but that just didn't happen. This photo here out in front of the restaurant is what we did get with the group.

I hope you notice the major difference in backgrounds. Also, the on camera flash below compared to off camera flash above is also not as good.

This is how I setup in my backyard for the photos with the green background. The camera is on a tripod so that I could drag the shutter and use a low ISO.

It was easy to move parents in and out of the photos.

I just put the camera on a tripod and let our friends press the shutter so I could be apart of my daughter's first homecoming dance.

When you plan those photos around your house where the family get's dressed up, take the time to scout for a good background that will not distract from the people in the photo. Earlier that day we had rain and the ground was a little wet and for that reason I used a corner of the patio so people didn't sink into the ground.

Be sure the background doesn't have hot spots from sunshine. This will distract from the people.

Use tripod so you can shoot at lower ISO. Use off camera flash to help fill in the raccoon eyes and also help clean up the color in the skin tones.

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